Here are a few of the things about us:
- Bible preaching (services available in both English and Spanish)
- Bible classes
- Classes for all ages on Sunday's & Wednesdays
- Monday Morning Bible Class
- Wednesday Night Ladies Bible Class
- Active youth program
- Bible Bowl
- Home Devotionals
- Birthday Wednesday
- Spring Youth Retreat
- CYC (Challenge Youth Conference)
- Short Mountain Bible Camp
- Vacation Bible School
- HEY (Helping Edify Youth)
- Fellowship activities
- Ice Cream Fellowship
- Fall Festival
- Holiday Fellowship
- Senior Saints outings
- Community Outreach
- Autumn Street Fair
- House To House
- Bible Correspondence Courses
- Radio Program - Sunday 1 PM WBMC
- TV Program - BLTV Channel 6 - Sunday 11 AM (rebroadcast at Sunday’s at 3:30 PM and Wednesday’s at 7:00 PM)
- Gospel Meeting
- Ladies Day
- Summer Series
- Singing at the Fair
- Ladies Bear Project